pages 1-23. The Art & Fear book has a bunch of topics about making art, the fun and exhilerating feeling to the trouble, frustration you discover. A few quotes from the book I want to remember.
"Artmaking involves skill than can be learned" I agree, art for some is not a gift, anyone can paint if they want to. "In large measure becoming an artist consists of learning to accept yourself, which makes your work personal, an in following your own voice, which makes your work distinctive" Finding your own voice is a problem. Most everything I paint already has been done, or relates to a familiar style so it is hard to feel you are an individual, distinctive voice. This next sentence contradicts how I make a painting. I like to make a perfect piece and have it serve as my current direction. " The function of the overwhelming majority of your artwork is simply to teach you how to make the small fraction of your artwork that soars" and the statistics for graduates quiting after they finish school was sad so I need to remember, "Basically, those who continue - or more precisely, have learned how to not quit" and that Fatalism, a species of fear - the fear that your fate is in your own hands, but that your hands are weak.